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Top Diamond Award Businesses by Diamond Pages Las Vegas Business Directory

Diamond Pages      Las Vegas Business Directory

Our business directory list of companies that we personally believe to be some of the best in the Las Vegas Metro area

How do companies get listed, approved, or given the Top Diamond Award Winning Company badge? 

In order for a local company to be considered to be listed by Diamond Pages Directory. The company must be requested to be listed by one of the three types of people who may be involved with the business

(1) The business owner.

(2) The general manager of the business.

(3) Or a paying customer of the business. This does not guarantee that the company would be listed on Diamond Pages Directory (also known as ), but rather allow our process to start with the evaluation of whether it meets our guidelines.

Our guidelines to some of the ways we may qualify or disallow a company to be listed with Diamond Pages Directory.

(1) We will look at reviews that are posted online like Google and Yelp (for example). As a rule when we evaluate reviews we will only pay notice to paying consumers that have used the business for sales or services.

(2) When we evaluate reviews we will not take notice to consumers that leave reviews that don't seem to understand the scope of what the company is really there for or what they offer.

(3) We may check with Consumer Affairs and the Better Business Bureau if we feel it's needed.

(4) If the company falls under the guidelines and licensing of The Nevada Contractors Board we may check to see if the company has any valid complaints that could be alarming to us.

(5) If we are aware of what we would consider to be ''malicious false advertising'' by a company that is considered to be listed on our platform, we would disqualify their eligibility for five years from our platform.

(6) Must be approved by our Board Of Judges (a simple majority). We have three to six voting judges during any session when it comes to getting companies approved. Our Board Of Judges will be informed of everything that has been gathered regarding a particular company before casting their vote. Any of our Board Of Judges can do their own investigation.

(7) Our Board Of Judges have all lived in the Las Vegas Metro area for at least twenty years.

(8) Any judge on the board can also use their own positive experience that they may have had as a consumer with the company in question. If a voting judge has had a negative experience with the particular company in question they shall recuse themselves from voting on the matter.

(9) Once a company has been approved it can only be removed for serious misconduct. Companies are listed for a year as long as they are in good standing with the Diamond Pages Directory guidelines.

​(10) Most business categories will only have a max of five companies listed. Unless we feel that each company offers something completely different (like Automotive name brands for example).

(11) If a company would like to be added to our platform but the category that they do business in is already full they would have to wait for the following year to be considered.

(Business owners and managers, make sure you know the next date that your business category will be up for evaluation if you'd like to add your business).

(12) If a company that has been awarded the Top Diamond Award (or any award by our platform) wants to advertise the winning badge, they will have a fee to do so. 

How do some companies earn the Top Diamond Award Company Badge and/or the Top Diamond Award Winning Company highlight?

This is purely done by the Board Of Judges that we have put together ourselves. It's also why we feel that we should always have Board Of Judges that have lived in the Las Vegas Metro Area for over twenty years, as we believe it gives us a chance to understand who some of these businesses are and how they might have conducted their business practices in the past ( if it's possible or applicable).

Public Notice; We at Diamond Pages Directory also known as would like to point out to the public that everything on this website should be seen as our opinion and nothing more. Some consumers, business owners, and corporations might agree or disagree with what we personally believe to be some of the best businesses in the Las Vegas Metro area. We encourage all consumers to do their own due diligence before using any company that offers any sales or services. You should only use our platform along with other well done research regarding any company you use. ​

Our disclaimer; Diamond Pages Directory or is not responsible for any results you may have with any company that is listed on our directory. Please make sure to take all possible responsible precautions before using any company listed on our website.

We may change our guidelines as to how we qualify the companies that are listed on this website at any time without giving notice. And It shall be understood by anyone that uses Diamond Pages Directory (also known that all company rankings and given awards are simply done by our opinions. 

For any questions regarding our website please email us at